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4. Zhou Zhehai,Zhu Lianqing. Tight focusing of high order axially symmetric polarized beams through a dielectric interface,Optik, 124(2013),(SCI)
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6. Zhou Zhehai,Zhu Lianqing. Propagation properties of high order axially symmetric polarized beams,Opt Quant Electron,Vol.45(10),2013(SCI)
7. Wu Sijin, Zhu Lianqing, et al..Digital shearography with in situ phase shift calibration.,Optics and Lasers in Engineering, Vol. 50,No. 9, 2012(SCI)
8. YANG Lianxiang, XIE Xin, ZHU Lianqing et al..Review of Electronic Speckle Pattern Interferometry (ESPI) for Three Dimensional Displacement Measurement,CHINESE JOURNAL OF MECHANICAL ENGINEERING ,Vol.27(1),2014( SCI)